Visual Arts (Secondary)

The Year 7s have been producing some great work under the tutelage of Ms Brittany Sullivan.

Camp Australia (Outside School Hours Care)

We have now been through two terms since the 1st of April when the before-and-after-school care program began. It has been a great experience meeting and interacting with the school staff and I am happy with the support given by Ms Mahmood, not to forget walking in to be greeted with a smile from Ms Vatic at the front office. I would also like to thank all the other staff that have been very supportive.

Our program is purely based on experiences which are derived from children’s interest as well as educator’s initiation. We provide for art and craft, construction activities, board games, cooking activities, at least once every fortnight, and many more. These will keep children stimulated, which helps provide ways to enrich their knowledge and develop physical, social and emotional areas.

Parents will get feedback on what the children have been doing at the service verbally and by viewing our reflection book which also contains photos of children’s creations. I have had the opportunity to have our children do a presentation of a poster they created on ‘the phases of the moon’. I strongly believe this builds children’s confidence and makes them feel proud of their learning.

I am glad to say that I have had positive feedback from parents of the children who currently attend the service. The children are happy and look forward to participating in the activities they like to do at the service.

During before school care children will be provided breakfast such as cereals, toast, milk/Milo and pancake or crepes (once a week). In after school care they are provided with a fruit platter with other dry food such as sakatas or rice cakes. We do also have canned food such as baked beans, canned peaches, corn kernels and baby beets.

We do cooking activities every fortnight to cook up yummies like cupcakes or scones and all recipes are taken from our very own healthy eating cookbook which has been created in line with the Australian Dietary Guidelines. We do not use any meat or meat related products.

Bookings and Registration

I am working with the school towards increasing our bookings and if more parents register to use the service then we will be able to run the holiday club at Sirius College which I am sure will be of convenience to many parents.

I am aware that there aren’t as many bookings as I would have loved to have, but I am also assuming that it may be based on various reasons. If cost is the main reason then I can assure families, based on my 10 years’ experience in this industry, that many of those who have used the before and after school services have been heavily subsidised (up to 85%), depending on family income, and thus payments will be much more affordable. For this to happen parents have to provide the customer reference number (CRN) of their children when filing the registration online at or by calling our customer care team on 1300 105 343.

Please note the registration is free. If any child has a medical condition then the medical management plans such as for asthma, anaphylaxis or allergies must be provided when children are booked and attend the program.

Once your child has been registered then booking the child can be done through the online parent portal, when need arises either on a casual or permanent basis.

Parents and children are welcome to drop by to view the service and I am available to satisfy any enquiries during our operation hours.

Have a safe holiday and I look forward to meeting all of you in Term 4.

Ms Rani Olaganathan
Coordinator, Outside School Hours Care
Camp Australia